
Rain in the City

Rain is peace. More, than anything else in this universe..

I found a strange bug in @aseprite
with exporting gif.
This glitching colours >.<
Looks weird, isn’t it?
This morning I’ve spent plenty hours to deal with my gif but ouch. No way. So I’ve exported pngs from sprite and then convert them to giv via ezgif (ツ)

But some hours ago I’ve found an excellent CLI tool by @kornelski: https://gif.ski
It can create an awesome gifs in seconds by simple command from your pngs. And it’s Opensource!
Check the difference.
But in twitter Aseprite devs reported that it’s bug under development last weeks. So I’m looking forward to the patch.

Also, with this artwork tied an emotional thing, that I’ve found time ago..

From all my life I’ve got one important thing:
In everyhard situation you basically have only two choices. First one - keep going. Second - you can stop and leave the game. But on the back end - you have no choice. Because leaving won’t change anything for you.
Yes, whatever you do, some things can’t be changed. Never. In both ways. But one of the way keeps chance for you to change your mind. Another - don’t.
And there is one more thing. Past has less pain than present. Always.
Once, I has come to the edge.. I was in the depression, I was devastated.. I was in the shower and crying. Tears fell on my face, mixed with water jets and left me.. nothing. No relief, no emotions. Pointless like my existence.
In this moment I have found answer to question: “What I can do with all this shit?”. Nothing.. I can do nothing. Like this tears.. I can’t change anything in that situation to fix some things and my emotions. So I just need to take it behind me and just keep going. With all this stuff and pain in my heart I just need to make steps on my life. For no reason. Why I’ve need that? That is the key. I didn’t need that because of anyone else but me. In a world, where you lost your raison d’étre - you also lost all your fears. You don’t fear death, failures, illness, loneliness anymore. And at this stage every moment of your life got unique taste. You can watch how your life passes by, you can do something new, that you never does before, or you can just skip day by day. It changes your mind. And it gives you a chance to find new raison d’etre in some time. Also that give you peace. Strange, with smack of ashes, but, yep, peace.
Here is the reason.
So, everyone who feels that his life reach it’s end - keep going. Just keep going. In a moment, where you deal with fact that you can’t change anything - you’ll find peace and time to get one’s breath. And then, one time, one day, may be, you’ll found new reasons to make your life colorful again.
Only you can figure it out.

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